11 October 2016

JBoss Developer Studio

Recently I'm in the need to do some reporting development. Although I've used iReport in the past I'm pretty comfortable with having a one stop solution, being at this time Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio (RHJDS).

Despite the fact that it contains an small marketplace, at this time it lacks a proper reporting solution like JasperSoft Studio, hence I was in the need of installing it over my current RHJDS install.

For those in the need of installing Eclipse Marketplace plugins, you can get it with two simple steps:

Add support for Eclipse Update Sites

Create a new repository with the following sequence
Help -> Install New Software -> Add

The update URL for Eclipse Neon is:


And choose a good name for the repo ("Eclipse Neon" maybe?)

Search for Eclipse Marketplace Client

And install it . . .

So far I'm not pretty sure about the potential impacts of this mix of repositories, however you'll be able to install any Eclipse Marketplace plugin, and it looks good.

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